Growing fennel: tips and tricks for a bountiful harvest
Why are my fennel plants growing? As is often the case with leafy vegetables, even a very temporary lack of water can cause fennel to bloom to provide offspring. Periods of high heat will also cause the plants to burst, even if watered. How to pull up fennel? Tuberous dill can be harvested from July to October, 3 months after sowing, and in the South until March. Depending on requirements, but always before frost, the bulbs should be pulled out with a spade when they reach a width of 8-10 cm. How to grow fennel? Fennel grows well in the sun or in a place that is not too shady and should be watered regularly to keep the soil moist. However, do not overwater to prevent the roots from becoming mouldy. It is not necessary to fertilize the soil during the growing season. When to butter the fennel? As soon as the base of the fennel becomes round, 10 to 15 days...