
How can I obtain or recover my driver's license code?

By Hervé , on January 6, 2023 , updated on April 20, 2023 - 5 minutes to read

The confidential driving license code is an important document that authorizes you to drive and travel in countries that recognize it. It is necessary to follow a specific procedure to obtain this confidential code. This article will explain how to use the appropriate procedure to obtain your confidential driving license code safely and efficiently. We'll also discuss the information you need, the documents required, the legal obligations and fees associated with obtaining this document. Finally, we'll look at how to check your PIN and renew it before it expires.

How do I know if my driver's licence PIN is valid?

To obtain the confidential code for your driving license, you'll need to follow a few simple steps. You can do this by sending an SMS to the number provided by your prefecture, or by going to the prefecture to request confirmation of your license. Once you have received your confidential code by SMS or in the reply envelope from the prefecture, you will then be able to validate it. A code is generally valid for 24 hours and can be used to access various information relating to your license and its holders.

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What procedure should I follow to obtain a confidential driver's license code?

To obtain a confidential driving license code, you need to follow a specific procedure. The first step is to prepare a file containing a letter explaining the reason for the request, and photocopies of the documents required to obtain the code. This file should then be sent to the Telepoints department of the Ministry of Transport. Once your request has been validated, you will receive your confidential code by e-mail or post, according to the instructions provided.

How can I obtain a new confidential driver's licence code?

If you've lost your confidential driving license code, it's possible to get a new one. You can do this online, by post or by telephone. To obtain a new confidential code, you'll need the document number and personal details you provided when you made your initial request. Next, you'll need to provide details such as an e-mail address or cell phone number to receive the new code by SMS. Once the process is complete, your new confidential code will be sent to your e-mail box or cell phone, ready for use on your online account and physical terminals.

What documents do I need to obtain a confidential driver's license code?

To obtain a confidential driver's license code, it is necessary to provide certain documents. Most state agencies will ask the person applying for a photo ID, their current driver's license and a bank statement showing the person's banking information. Once these documents have been provided and reviewed, the person can then receive their confidential code and can use this code to access their online records or any other process requiring the code.

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Is it possible to recover a lost or forgotten PIN code from a driver's license?

It is possible to recover the lost or forgotten confidential code of a driving license through a recovery course. This type of course takes place face-to-face and includes a series of exercises and tests designed to help you learn how to solve computer problems and manipulate codes. You will also learn about the laws governing secret codes, enabling you to use this type of information to recover a lost or forgotten confidential driver's license code. Once you've completed the course, you'll be able to easily manipulate and use the confidential codes needed to obtain your new license.

The confidential code on your driving license is a personal piece of information which, among other things, enables you to access your points on the dedicated website. It is therefore essential to have a valid code so that you can regularly check your points balance and avoid any nasty surprises in the event of a Highway Code offence. But how do you know if your code is still valid?


In conclusion, obtaining the confidential code for your driving license is quick and easy. All you have to do is visit the Ministry of the Interior website and follow the instructions given to fill in the online form and be in possession of your confidential number. This safe and secure process enables users to access their personal driving license information.

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