
Where to place the cat's litter box in an apartment according to the principles of Feng Shui?

By Hervé , on September 7, 2021 , updated on April 20, 2023 - 10 minutes to read

Where to put the cat litter box in a Feng Shui apartment?

If you live in an apartment, you will need to find a living room, where the litter box will be the least intrusive. The bedroom or the bathroom can be arranged without any problem. In this case, for more discretion and to avoid bad smells, it is better to opt for a closed litter box.

The new location you've chosen for the litter box is good because it's quiet and has little traffic. To get your cat there gradually, try moving the litter box a few inches each day to ease the transition.

5 tips to reduce odours in your pet's litter box

  • Sodium bicarbonate. ...
  • Wash the litter box regularly. ...
  • Use white vinegar to clean the litter box: ...
  • Choosing the right litter box...
  • Carbon filters.

The position of the bowl should not be too close to the litter box, nor too close to the basket where the cat sleeps. While it is generally advisable to place a water bowl next to the kibble bowl, most cats prefer to eat in one place and drink elsewhere.

Where to put the litter in a small apartment?

The litter box should be placed in a quiet, accessible location. Even if it doesn't look very attractive and inviting, it's important not to place your cat's toilet in a noisy, high-traffic area or, on the contrary, in a small, remote and forgotten corner of your home.

Installing a scratching post or scratching post can also help your cat let off steam: he can climb and scratch it whenever he wants, without the risk of being scolded! Providing a play area makes it easy for your cat to keep busy during the day, while waiting for you to return.

The new location you've chosen for the litter box is good because it's quiet and has little traffic. To get your cat there gradually, try moving the litter box a few inches each day to ease the transition.

5 tips to reduce odours in your pet's litter box

  • Sodium bicarbonate. ...
  • Wash the litter box regularly. ...
  • Use white vinegar to clean the litter box: ...
  • Choosing the right litter box...
  • Carbon filters.

How to move cat litter?

The litter box should be placed in a quiet, accessible location. Even if it doesn't look very attractive and inviting, it's important not to place your cat's toilet in a noisy, high-traffic area or, on the contrary, in a small, remote and forgotten corner of your home.

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The only solution is to install a cat flap. If he has learned to urinate and defecate in a litter box placed indoors, you should start by moving him gradually closer to the cat flap and then install it outside.

The litter box should be placed in a quiet area, away from her dining room, away from noisy appliances, in an easily accessible area and with a possible escape route. This last precaution is important if you have several cats and one of them likes to bully the others.

Choose a quiet place without too much traffic It is therefore essential to choose to place your cat's kennel in a quiet, discreet place where he feels safe. Preferably plan a site without traffic, not very noisy and accessible, where he can defecate easily and will feel at ease.

Where to put the cat litter in an apartment?

If you live in an apartment, you will need to find a living room, where the litter box will be the least intrusive. The bedroom or the bathroom can be arranged without any problem. In this case, for more discretion and to avoid bad smells, it is better to opt for a closed litter box.

  • Enjoy a bump.
  • Hide the cat litter under a coffee table.
  • Recover and transform an old low piece of furniture.
  • Turn a trunk or chest into a litter box.
  • Modify a bench to hide the litter box.
  • Turn a doghouse into a litter box.
  • Buy a litter box.

It may be that in a small apartment a cat's litter box ends up in the bathroom, enjoy it. It won't create bad feng shui, as long as you do your job to keep the energy in the bathroom fresh.

So, whether you choose a wood pellet litter box or a silicone or clay litter box, the action is the same: your cat's litter, as well as its excrement, must ALWAYS be disposed of.

How to hide the cat litter box?

If you live in an apartment, you will need to find a living room, where the litter box will be the least intrusive. The bedroom or the bathroom can be arranged without any problem. In this case, for more discretion and to avoid bad smells, it is better to opt for a closed litter box.

Rubber Tile To prevent your cat from soiling your house, here is a simple solution. All you have to do is install a perforated rubber tile mat right in front of her litter box. You can find this material at any home improvement store.

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Here are our tips:

  • do not place him next to his food, at least two meters from his bowl. ...
  • Respect the necessary calm he needs, place the litter box in the corner of a room, the ideal is to choose a place with little traffic and little noise.

Put baking soda in the bottom of the pan. Baking soda absorbs odors for better effectiveness. Put in the ingredient you've chosen to make your cat's litter. Form a thick, even layer about 2.5 to 3 cm thick.

Where to place the litter box and the cat bowl?

The feeding area must be far from the litter box. Indeed, your cat will not accept the food you give him if his bowl is near the place where he defecates (otherwise he will defecate in another place than the cage provided for this purpose).

For your cat to eat properly, she needs to be able to eat in a place where she feels safe, away from the aisles. Therefore, her food and water bowls should be placed in quiet, open areas, especially not against a wall or in the corner of a room.

A large bowl to ease arthritis problems. You can also raise your cat's bowl off the ground, as this can make it easier for some people with osteoarthritis or locomotor problems to take food. A high bathtub stand can be a good solution.

To make sure your dog or cat has a good experience with a raised bowl, be sure to adjust the height of the bowl to shoulder level. When in doubt, observe his behaviour. You'll quickly notice if he seems uncomfortable.

Why not put the bowl next to the litter box?

The position of the bowl should not be too close to the litter box, nor too close to the basket where the cat sleeps. While it is generally advisable to place a water bowl next to the kibble bowl, most cats prefer to eat in one place and drink elsewhere.

When your cat scratches the ground around his bowl, thanks to his paw pads, he deposits pheromones that indicate his presence to his fellow cats. This is a way to mark its territory and to dissuade a rival from approaching.

The litter box should be placed in a quiet, accessible location. Even if it doesn't look very attractive and inviting, it's important not to place your cat's toilet in a noisy, high-traffic area or, on the contrary, in a small, remote and forgotten corner of your home.

A large bowl to ease arthritis problems. You can also raise your cat's bowl off the ground, as this can make it easier for some people with osteoarthritis or locomotor problems to take food. A high bathtub stand can be a good solution.

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Where to put the cat's bowl in height?

To make sure your dog or cat has a good experience with a raised bowl, be sure to adjust the height of the bowl to shoulder level. When in doubt, observe his behaviour. You'll quickly notice if he seems uncomfortable.

The position of the bowl should not be too close to the litter box, nor too close to the basket where the cat sleeps. While it is generally advisable to place a water bowl next to the kibble bowl, most cats prefer to eat in one place and drink elsewhere.

A large bowl to ease arthritis problems. You can also raise your cat's bowl off the ground, as this can make it easier for some people with osteoarthritis or locomotor problems to take food. A high bathtub stand can be a good solution.

To be completely safe, the first and simplest thing to do is to place your cat's bowl at a reasonable height. Cats are jumpers and will have no problem finding their food bowl as soon as the place is easily accessible.

How high is the cat bowl?

To make sure your dog or cat has a good experience with a raised bowl, be sure to adjust the height of the bowl to shoulder level. When in doubt, observe his behaviour. You'll quickly notice if he seems uncomfortable.

A large bowl to ease arthritis problems. You can also raise your cat's bowl off the ground, as this can make it easier for some people with osteoarthritis or locomotor problems to take food. A high bathtub stand can be a good solution.

Stainless steel, ceramic, silicone, glass and porcelain bowls are very well tolerated by cats. ... Bowls should be cleaned daily to prevent the growth of bacteria. Also, be sure to change the water regularly and discard the food if your pet has not eaten it.

A high bowl, for a dog suffering from megasophagia, allows the food to go down by gravity in the stomach and limit the symptoms.

In a small apartment, every inch counts. Yet it's important that your cat has enough space for his daily needs. According to the principles of Feng Shui, it's advisable to avoid placing the litter box in a room where you spend a lot of time, or near a direct light source. It's also best to opt for a calm, soothing area so that your pet can relieve itself without stress or agitation. If you're really short of space, consider using multi-functional furniture or tricks such as a raised shelf to accommodate the litter box.

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