
All about sumac: its benefits for your garden and your kitchen

By Hervé , on July 27, 2021 , updated on April 21, 2023 - 5 minutes to read
Sumak Curriera (Rhus coriaria)

When to plant sumac?

It is not important to plant sumac in spring or fall. It is important to choose a sunny spot, the type of soil is not very important.

How to get rid of mammals?

To remove the sucker If you decide that you are not interested in the sucker, remove the soil at its base and try to pull it out. Pulling out kills the sucker bud more often than pruning with shears. If you prune it, especially above ground, it often grows back.

When can vinegar trees be planted?

The ideal time to start growing vinegar is autumn or spring. These are the mildest seasons and are well suited for planting.

How to take cuttings from a sumac plant?

In the fall, sumac can be sown in a nursery. Semi-woody cuttings can be taken in summer and root cuttings in winter. You can also separate the cuttings during the dormant period. Planting should take place in the fall.

What are the benefits of sumac?

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, antiseptic, regulates cholesterol and digestion⦠Its medicinal properties have been known for over twenty centuries, thanks to the Greek physician and apothecary Pedanius Dioscorides.

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What is sumac spice?

Sumac is an oriental spice that is gradually making its way into Western cuisine. It is a spice obtained from dried brick-red berries growing on a shrub (Rhus Coriaria) of the same family as the pistachio tree.

How to make sumac tea?

To benefit from its properties, simply consume sumac in cooked form or as an infusion by pouring 1 teaspoon of the spice over a cup of hot water for 7 to 10 minutes.

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Where to buy Ottolenghi Spices? Yotam Ottolenghi - Spices, Herbs, Seasonings & Condiments / Cooking Basics : Books.

How to harvest sumac?

Pick three healthy, ripe, red "clusters" from the tree in late summer or early fall. You can test the taste of the fruit by tasting the fruit hairs. Cut off excess branches, if any. Place three bunches of sumac in a jug with 2 litres of cold water.

How to distinguish sumac?

Check the fruit.

  • For both varieties of sumac, they are translucent.
  • Poison ivy fruits are usually hairy.
  • Poison ivy berries are white or cream colored.
  • The fruits persist on the plants throughout the winter and spring.

How to get rid of vinegar?

To reduce the invasion, dig a trench around the mother plant. Place the herbicide in the trench, and do not spray on surrounding leaves or trees. Pull out the young plants as soon as they appear on the ground, as well as the stilt roots, otherwise you risk creating a forest.

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Sumac is a plant that can be used as both a condiment and a spice. In fact, its red berries are rich in citric acid, giving them a tangy, lemon-like taste. They can therefore be sprinkled on salads or grilled meats to add an original touch of acidity. Sumac is also used in spice blends such as zaatar or Ottolenghi spices, which are highly prized in Oriental cuisine. Finally, dried sumac leaves can be brewed into a tea with recognized digestive virtues.

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